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Become a Leader Instead of a Boss


Not every boss is a leader. A boss who’s not a leader is more concerned with outcomes and accountability, while leaders feel responsible for the process and the people involved. While bosses may be busy barking orders and overloading employees with task after task, leaders are producing the most effective and long-lasting results. Bossy people are more likely to fail, and leaders more likely to succeed. This is how to be a leader for your team!

Be a people person

Your team is filled with a cast of characters – individuals with different personalities, skills, talents and challenges. You have to enjoy working with them and putting them in positions to succeed. Treat everyone equally and don’t let your personal biases affect the team dynamic.

Be flexible

It’s not your way or the highway! Be open to new processes and ideas, especially those of your team. While you shouldn’t compromise your expectations, you might have to adapt your leadership style to fit the needs and individuality of your team members.

Teach and learn

Guide and use constructive criticism, but don’t control. Recognize everyone’s strengths and weaknesses and challenge your team to improve. Praise successes and jump in to help when obstacles arise. While a boss already knows it all, leaders are willing to learn from those with less seniority and respect the skills and experience of team members.

Motivate and inspire

Bosses limit the creative process and self-expression, which kills motivation and innovation, causing employees to resent them. Instead, figure out what gets your team to perform at the highest levels and expect greatness from them. Cheer their successes and encourage self-sufficiency.

Give credit and accept blame

Leaders know that success is a result of teams’ efforts and are humble enough to praise and reward those employees responsible for it. But when the team fails, you also need to accept responsibility and not blame your team. See that those failures are learning opportunities.


Listen and inquire, don’t dictate and demand. Actively seek thoughts and ideas about critical topics from your team, and be willing to share information that empowers them. Check in with the group and with individuals as needed and clearly communicate your expectations.

Be hands-on

You want to allow for autonomy and be able to delegate big responsibilities; however, know when you need to step in. Show your employees you trust them to do a good job and make sure your team has the necessary time and resources. But go the extra mile and demonstrate you’re part of the team, willing to take on the same tasks you ask of them.


Being an effective leader is important to the success of your employees. At CulverCareers, we understand what it takes to be a great leader. Contact us today for more information.

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Written by

Ty Culver is the Client Development Director of CulverCareers focusing on talent acquisition and workforce solutions with a wide variety of local, national and global clients.

Ty has been working in various aspects of the industry for over 10 years and developed deep expertise in Executive Search, Executive Benefit and Talent Acquisition Programs along the way. He has a range of experience from SMB to Enterprise clients and hyper specific executive searches to high volume recruiting with companies in a dynamic state of flux.

Today, Ty leads a talented team of Talent Acquisition Specialists, Executive Recruiters and Client Success Managers at one of the most respected Recruiting Firms in the Nation, CulverCareers. While leadership is a key aspect of his role, Ty still enjoys working with clients on recruiting strategies, executive benefit solutions and workforce solutions to help clients build a holistic approach to talent acquisition and talent retention.

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